
Boost Your Computer by following steps with no software || Nims Academy

Easy steps that helps to Boost/Speed up computer or laptops. win+R, type 'cleanmgr' inside the dialogue box.Press enter and the another optional dialogue box open in which you have to select the c: drive and press the ok button which will proceed to the process as the image shown below. then,select the all the option as shown in the figure and click on clean up system files.It deletes the all the unwanted files from your computer. 2.Again ,Press Win+R .Now,type 'prefetch' and press Ok.Then,it will open files which should be deleted to increase your computer/laptop performance. 3.Similarly, Press Win+R from the keyboard and type '%temp%' press ok .Delete all the temporary files from the directory. 4.At last Press Win+R and type 'tree' and press OK which will manage the files in the current directory or C Drive . By these ,Steps you can absolutely increase the performances of your computer Sytems.

Download Dragon CIty MOD APK From Here

Hey guys this is the final page where you are landed now through various social medias. If you guys wanna download Dragon City Mod APk right now then follow following steps : CLick on download button given below Subscribe to channel and like the video as given in the task Download your latest Dragon CIty v9.13.1 MOD right now If you guys have any question and queries regarding this MOD then you guys can comment down below about this mod and you can also ask us for other game mod which will also motivate us to upload a fresh a legit content for you guys daily. Peace OUT Enjoy xD :)

How to add web-link in images in adobe photoshop? || Nims Academy || ...

Steps to add web-link in image in Adobe Photoshop After designing your image,click select slice from tool preset,Select the area where you want to apply web-link in the image Right click on the place of selection,select edit slice,dialogue box open where you have to enter the title and web address as http//:........... Then,save the option that you have entered in it. After that go to Menu in adobe photoshop,select export>save for web(legacy) then,click on save you will see the dialogue box to save in differebt format, html and images is recommended format to save. select the location to save and click ok. Please,Subscribe our channel Nims Academy

How to design custom shape of Mobile Phone In Adobe Photoshop? Nims Acad...


How to design message box icon in Adobe photoshop cc 2019 Nims Academy(L...


How to create custom location icon/shape in Adobe photoshop CC 2019? ||...

Image Creating Location Icon In Adobe Photoshop CC Steps: adobe photoshop in your computer. 2.Create New Document pressing(Ctrl+N) from keyboard or by clicking New From File Menu.define size: width=400px ,height=400px ,resolution=72px and background content=transparent 3.Select Ellipse Tool from tool preset or by pressing 'U' from the keyboard 4.Apply on the canvas by holding shift key and mouse click. 5.You will see the ellipse shape will be applied in the image and then you can select color according to the requirement and the color can be customized from blending option from the layers by clicking right click on the layer. 6.After that press enter to keep the changes and goto layer and right click on the layer of ellipse and select the stroke option .Then,select color white for stroke and press ok .You will see the layer of the ellipse is apllied white color in it. 7.Duplicate the layer by pressing right click and se...

Attratctive stylish Double Sided Business card Design In Adobe Photoshop



COVID-19 C ovid (corona ) one of the dangerous and has killed thousands of people in very short time.But,if we care some of the preventions can make safe from this diseases. HOW CORONA VIRUS TRANSFERS? 1.      Sneezing and Coughing 2.      Dirty Hands 3.      uncooked fish,meat and vegetables 4.      Infected persons SYMPTOMS OF CORONA VIRUS INFECTION ·         Running Nose ·         Dry throat with pain ·         Diarrhoea ·         Vomiting ·         Headache ·         Continuous high Fever ·         Difficult in Breathing PREVENTIVE MEASURES FROM CORONA VIRUS v Washing hands frequently v Washing fruits and vegetables with...


Introduction to Internet Internet Stands for International Network.It is the largest computer network system in the world.It is the global network of computers where millions of computer are interconnected with each other.A network is the group of computers connected computers each other. The internet is the inter-connection of between several computers of different types of belongings to various networks all over the world.It is the network of network.The internet is the great ocean of information accessible to people across the world. History of Internet In 1969,the Department of Defense(DOD) of the United States of America started a project to allow researchers and the millitary personnel to communicate each other in an emergency situation.The Project was called  ARPANET  (Advance Research Project administration Network) and it was the first step of developing the internet.It began in a modest way with one computer in california.Later it become very popular amo...

