
 Syllabus of class10 Computer  See Appearing Students

1. Networking and Telecommunication
The interconnection of two or more computers by means of transmission media like cables or without cables in order to communicate and share resources like data, application software and the hardware is known as computer network.

2. Internet and Its Services
The largest network formed by connecting computers on LANs, MANs and WANs of the whole world through the TCP/IP is known as Internet

3. Computer Virus
Computer virus is a malicious, self-replicating and destructive computer program that disrupts the normal functioning of the computer. Computer viruses spreads from different means to a computer without the knowledge and permission of the user and they can hide themselves in other files.

4. Cyber Law and Ethics
To legalize the transaction through electronic media, Nepal government had issued ‘The Electronic Transaction Act-2061’ on 30th Bhadra, 2061 (15 Sept, 2004) through ordinance. It is known as Cyber Law of Nepal.

5. Computer Security
The securing computer data, information, software and hardware from being damaged or lost is known as Computer Security.

6. Multimedia
Multimedia is technology of presenting information in more attractive, interesting, interactive and understandable manner.

7. Number System
Number systems that are used in computer system are  Decimal Number System ,Binary Number System, Octal Number System and Hexadecimal Number System

8. Microsoft Access
MS-Access is the Relational Database Management System Software (RDBMS) that allows us to manage data distributed in multiple tables.

9. Review of control structure
A program is the collection of statements which are arranged in a certain manner. The execution of the statements of the program normally takes places from the beginning statement to the end statement in sequential order.

10. Review of Library function in qbasic
A function in QBASIC is a readymade program or user made small program which helps us to perform a specific task. The function manipulates the data passes to it and returns either a string value or a numeric value.  QBASIC supports two different kinds of functions are User Defined Function and  Library Function

11. Modular programming
The programming technique, in which a program is divided into small logical and manageable part, is known as modular programming. The small, logical and manageable part of the program is called procedure (module). Since the modular programming uses small block of functional codes, it is also called structured program.

12. File Processing (File Handling) In Qbasic
The way of handling file is known as File Processing. In QBASIC you can save the data into a separate file called a data file. So there are two types of files in QBASIC. They are Program file and Data file

13. C Language
C is the high level programming language that was developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1972.

14 Project work in Qbasic


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