How to create custom location icon/shape in Adobe photoshop CC 2019? ||...
Creating Location Icon In Adobe Photoshop CC adobe photoshop in your computer.
2.Create New Document pressing(Ctrl+N) from keyboard or by clicking New From File Menu.define size: width=400px ,height=400px ,resolution=72px and background content=transparent
3.Select Ellipse Tool from tool preset or by pressing 'U' from the keyboard
4.Apply on the canvas by holding shift key and mouse click.
5.You will see the ellipse shape will be applied in the image and then you can select color according to the requirement
and the color can be customized from blending option from the layers by clicking right click on the layer.
6.After that press enter to keep the changes and goto layer and right click on the layer of ellipse and select the stroke option .Then,select color white for stroke and press ok .You will see the layer of the ellipse is apllied white color in it.
7.Duplicate the layer by pressing right click and select the duplicate option or by simply pressing CTRL+J from the keyboard.
8.Select The Duplicated layer and Press Ctrl+T( Transform) from the keyboard .Press shift+ALt Key And Pull The Mouse clickg outside so that it will enlarge your size.
9.After Enlarging the Clear the layer style by right click option from layer.This will remove the style of the shapes that are apllied in it.
10.Drag the layer of cleared shap to the back of first layer.
11.Now select icon from custom shape of drop water which is in legacy custom shapes>nature>drop.Select the shape and Press CTRL+T (transfom) Right click on it ,Select rotate 180 degree.Again,select ellipse tool from shapes or pressing U from keyboard.Apply ellipse shape in the middle of that shape by selecting white color in it.
Now ,the custom shape is ready.
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