
Showing posts from January, 2021

How to create Professional Football/soccer Player banner social media in nepali?

Dear friends i hope you liked this video please do subcribe to my channel  if you really like this video please keep supporting me. I will be uploading new videos in my youtube channel. If you want to donate some amount as an appreciation my esewa id :9842128537

कसरी Design three Posters in Just 15 Mins!_Adobe Photoshop Tutorials-Nep...

I have published this video in my youtube channel.I hope you all like this video. If yes keep supporting me and if u want to donate some amount as an appreciation,here is my esewa id:984212837 Thank you.

Chapter -1 Networking and Telecomunication

   Computer Network Definition: The  interconnected group of computer which helps in the transfer of data/information through transmission media and computer technologies is known as  computer network. Data comunication: The transferring of digital data or information among computers through computer network is known as  data communication. sending and recieving emails,IRC and transferring files etc are data communication. Telecommunication: It is the exchange of information over significant distances by electronic means like telephones,radio,TV,computers,mobile phones etc. Simplex transmission mode: Communication which takes place in only one direction (i.e. transmission of data).Radios and televisions are simplex. In half duplex transmission mode: Data can be transmitted in both directions, but in only one direction at a time. Walkie talkie is half duplex. Full Duplex:  The device which can transmits data in both the directions at a time.The transmission ...

👉कसरी👉Professional Design-How to Create Song Youtube Thumbnail-Adobe Pho...


कसरी डिजाइन गर्ने-How to Design Creative Youtube Thumbnail with Few Con...


How to Make Professional Social Media Food Banner In Adobe Photoshop?-Ni...
